How to buy a Treadmill – For YOUR Needs


Buying a treadmill can be a great investment in your health and fitness, as it provides an easy and convenient way to exercise from the comfort of your own home. However, with so many models and features available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right treadmill for your needs so here are some steps to consider when buying a treadmill in the coming days or weeks

Fitness Goals

Determine your fitness goals: Consider your fitness level and the type of exercise you want to do on the treadmill. If you're a beginner or looking to walk, a simple, lower-priced model may suffice. If you're a runner or looking to train for a race, you may need a more advanced model with higher speed and incline settings.

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Consider the features: Treadmills come with various features, such as heart rate monitors, built-in workout programs, and adjustable incline. Determine which features are important to you and which ones you can do without.


Set a budget: Treadmills come in a range of prices, from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars. Determine how much you are willing to spend and look for models that fit within your budget.


Research different models: Read reviews and compare features and prices of different treadmills. Look for models that have a good reputation for quality, durability, and customer service.

Test it Out

Test it out: Try out the treadmill before buying if possible. Most stores have display models that you can test out before making a purchase. This will give you a better idea of how it feels to run or walk on the treadmill and how it operates.

Check out: JLL Foldable Treadmill @ Amazon here


Consider the warranty: Look for a treadmill that comes with a warranty that covers the motor, parts, and labour. A good warranty can give you peace of mind and protect your investment in case of any issues.

Available Space

Measure your space: Make sure you have enough space to accommodate the treadmill. Measure the area where you plan to keep it and ensure that the treadmill you choose will fit comfortably. Then you can make an informed decision when buying a treadmill and choose a model that fits your needs and budget. Remember to take your time, do your research, and don't hesitate to ask questions before making a purchase.

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Types of Treadmills

Treadmills come in various types, each designed to suit different fitness levels, budgets, and workout preferences and here are the main types of treadmills you can find on the market both online and instore

1, Manual Treadmills: These treadmills are budget-friendly and do not require electricity to operate. The belt moves when you walk or run, so you control the speed. Manual treadmills are lightweight, portable, and take up less space than motorized treadmills. However, they don't have many features, and the belt's resistance can make it challenging to use for extended periods.

2, Folding Treadmills: These treadmills are designed to save space when not in use. They have a folding frame that allows you to fold the treadmill's deck and store it vertically or horizontally. Folding treadmills are usually less expensive than non-folding models, making them a great option for people with limited space and budget.

3, Motorized Treadmills: These treadmills are the most popular type and require electricity to power the motor that drives the belt. Motorized treadmills have a range of features, such as adjustable speed, incline, and workout programs. They are ideal for walkers, joggers, and runners of all fitness levels.

4, Incline Treadmills: These treadmills have an adjustable deck that can be inclined to simulate running or walking uphill. Incline treadmills are excellent for building leg strength and endurance, burning more calories, and reducing joint impact. They are more expensive than flat treadmills and require more maintenance.

5, Commercial Treadmills: These treadmills are designed for heavy-duty use in gyms, health clubs, and other commercial settings. They have a powerful motor, sturdy frame, and numerous features, such as high weight capacity, built-in workout programs, and adjustable speed and incline. Commercial treadmills are expensive, but they offer exceptional durability, reliability, and performance.

6, Desk Treadmills: These treadmills have a built-in desk that allows you to work, read, or watch TV while walking or jogging. Desk treadmills are ideal for people who spend long hours sitting and want to add some physical activity to their daily routine. They are usually more expensive than regular treadmills but offer added convenience and versatility.

When choosing a treadmill, consider your fitness level, workout preferences, space, and budget. It's also essential to read reviews, compare features, and test out different models to find the one that suits your needs best.

Fitness levels Treadmills

Different fitness levels require different types of treadmills to achieve their goals safely and effectively. Here is a breakdown of how different fitness levels you need can choose the right type of treadmill for you

1, Beginners: If you're new to fitness, a manual or a basic motorized treadmill may suffice. Look for a model with a simple user interface, comfortable cushioning, and adjustable incline. Consider starting with a slow speed and gradually increasing it as your fitness improves.

2, Intermediate: If you've been exercising regularly and are looking to step up your game, a motorized treadmill with advanced features may be more suitable. Look for a model with adjustable speed and incline, pre-set workout programs, and heart rate monitors. Consider adding intervals and incline variations to your workouts to challenge yourself.

3, Advanced: If you're an experienced athlete or runner, a high-end treadmill with powerful motor, advanced cushioning, and heavy-duty frame may be necessary. Look for a model with a high weight capacity, adjustable speed and incline, built-in workout programs, and virtual training options. Consider doing long-distance runs or speed work to take your fitness to the next level.

4, Rehab and Physical Therapy: If you're recovering from an injury or have limited mobility, a physical therapy treadmill with low impact cushioning, adjustable speed, and incline may be necessary. Look for a model with a supportive handrail and a wide range of speed options to accommodate different levels of mobility.

5, Elderly and Seniors: If you're an older adult or a senior, a treadmill with low impact cushioning, easy-to-use console, and supportive handrails may be suitable. Look for a model with a slow speed range, adjustable incline, and a wide walking surface. Consider walking at a steady pace and using the incline to add some challenge to your workout.

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Increase Intensity over Time

When choosing a treadmill, it's important to consider your fitness level, workout preferences, and any physical limitations you may have. Always start with a slow and comfortable pace and gradually increase your intensity and duration over time. Consult your doctor or a fitness professional before starting any new exercise program.

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Latest Technologies with Treadmills

Treadmill technology has advanced significantly in recent years, with new features and innovations designed to enhance the user experience and improve workout effectiveness and here are some of the latest technologies of treadmills that you will come across

1, Interactive Training: Many treadmills now offer interactive training programs that simulate outdoor environments, adjust the incline and speed to match the terrain, and provide real-time coaching and feedback. These programs can make workouts more engaging and challenging, helping users achieve their fitness goals faster.

2, Virtual Reality: Some treadmills now offer virtual reality technology, allowing users to immerse themselves in a digital environment and experience a realistic and immersive workout. Virtual reality treadmills can provide a fun and engaging way to exercise, making it easier to stick to a fitness routine.

3, Touchscreens: Many treadmills now feature large, high-definition touchscreens that allow users to access entertainment, workout data, and training programs. Touchscreens can provide a more enjoyable and interactive workout experience, allowing users to track their progress, watch videos, or listen to music while exercising.

4, Artificial Intelligence: Some treadmills now use artificial intelligence to track user data and provide personalized workout plans and coaching. These machines can analyse user data such as heart rate, stride length, and running style to provide customized recommendations for optimal performance and injury prevention.

5, Wearable Integration: Many treadmills now integrate with wearable fitness devices such as smartwatches and fitness trackers, allowing users to track their workouts and monitor their progress in real-time. Wearable integration can provide a more accurate and comprehensive picture of user fitness levels and progress.

6, Self-Cooling Systems: Some high-end treadmills now feature self-cooling systems that regulate the machine's temperature during use, keeping the motor and electronics cool and extending the lifespan of the machine.

These latest technologies have made treadmills more engaging, efficient, and effective than ever before. When choosing a treadmill, it's important to consider which features will be most beneficial for your fitness goals and preferences and of course if you can afford it as a personal investment

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Smart Technology on Treadmills

Smart technology has revolutionized the fitness industry, and treadmills are no exception. Many modern treadmills are equipped with smart features that allow users to connect to the internet, access training programs, and monitor their fitness progress. So here are some of the most popular smart technology features found on treadmills that we liked the most

1, Internet Connectivity: Many treadmills now offer internet connectivity, allowing users to access online workout programs, stream music, or watch videos while they exercise. Internet connectivity also enables users to track their fitness data, save their workout history, and share their progress with friends and family.

2, Bluetooth Connectivity: Many treadmills now feature Bluetooth connectivity, allowing users to connect their wireless headphones, heart rate monitors, or fitness trackers to the machine. This feature enables users to track their heart rate, pace, distance, and calories burned in real-time, providing a more accurate picture of their fitness progress.

3, Smart Touchscreens: Many treadmills now feature large, high-definition touchscreens that allow users to access workout programs, watch videos, or browse the internet while they exercise. These screens can also provide real-time data on speed, incline, heart rate, and calories burned, helping users stay motivated and focused during their workouts.

4, Personalized Training Programs: Many treadmills now offer personalized training programs that are tailored to each user's fitness level and goals. These programs use machine learning algorithms to track user data, analyse workout history, and provide customized recommendations for optimal performance and injury prevention.

5, Virtual Reality: Some treadmills now feature virtual reality technology that allows users to immerse themselves in a digital environment and experience a realistic and immersive workout. Virtual reality treadmills can provide a fun and engaging way to exercise, making it easier to stick to a fitness routine.

More Engaging

Smart technology has made treadmills more engaging, efficient, and effective than ever before. When choosing a treadmill, it's important to consider which smart features will be most beneficial for your fitness goals and preferences.

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Foldable Treadmills

Foldable treadmills offer several advantages over traditional non-folding treadmills and the main advantages of these foldable treadmills for you are outlined briefly below

1, Space-saving design: One of the most significant advantages of foldable treadmills is that they can be easily folded up and stored in a small space when not in use. This is especially useful for people who have limited space in their homes, apartments or gyms. A foldable treadmill can be easily tucked away in a closet, under a bed or behind a door, freeing up valuable floor space.

2, Convenience: Another benefit of foldable treadmills is that they are easy to move around. With their wheels and lightweight design, you can easily move them from one room to another. This is particularly useful for people who like to work out in different areas of their homes or gyms.

3, Easy to assemble: Most foldable treadmills come pre-assembled or require minimal assembly, making them quick and easy to set up. This saves time and effort, especially for those who are not comfortable with tools and assembly.

4, Cost-effective: Foldable treadmills tend to be less expensive than non-folding treadmills, making them a more affordable option for people on a budget.

5, Suitable for different users: Foldable treadmills come in a range of sizes and styles, making them suitable for people of all ages, fitness levels, and sizes. They are also adjustable, so you can customize your workout to your fitness goals and preferences.

6, Variety of features: Foldable treadmills often come with a variety of features such as incline, speed, heart rate monitoring, pre-set programs, and more. These features can help you achieve your fitness goals and keep you motivated to continue your workout routine.

Space Saver Variety

Foldable treadmills are a great option for anyone looking for a convenient, space-saving, cost-effective, and versatile piece of exercise equipment. With a variety of features and styles to choose from, there is a foldable treadmill for everyone.

Dimensions & Sizes of Treadmills

Treadmills come in a variety of sizes and dimensions to suit the needs of different users. The size of a treadmill typically depends on its intended use and the available space in which it will be placed and some of the typical sizes of treadmills that are on sale are outlined below (guide dimensions)

1, Compact Treadmills: These are the smallest treadmills available and are ideal for people with limited space in their homes or apartments. They are generally between 45 and 60 inches in length and 20 to 30 inches in width. Compact treadmills often have a foldable design for easy storage.

2, Standard Treadmills: Standard treadmills are the most common size and are suitable for most users. They typically measure between 70 and 85 inches in length and 30 to 35 inches in width. Standard treadmills often have a folding option for easy storage when not in use.

3, Commercial Treadmills: These treadmills are designed for commercial use in gyms and fitness centres. They are typically larger and more durable than standard treadmills, with a length of 80 to 88 inches and a width of 30 to 40 inches. Commercial treadmills can weigh up to 500 pounds.

4, High-End Treadmills: High-end treadmills are similar in size to commercial treadmills but come with advanced features and functionalities. These treadmills can measure between 70 and 85 inches in length and 30 to 40 inches in width.


It is important to consider the size of a treadmill before making a purchase. It is recommended that you measure the space where you plan to place the treadmill to ensure it fits comfortably. Additionally, it is important to consider the weight capacity of the treadmill, especially if you plan to use it frequently or with multiple users.

Check out: Branx Fitness Treadmill @ Amazon here

Treadmill Running Decks

The size of the running deck, or the belt on a treadmill, is an important factor to consider when purchasing a treadmill. The running deck size can impact the comfort of your workout, and it can also affect the stability and durability of the treadmill and these are some of the most comfortable running deck sizes to consider for your own step length and frame

1, 60 inches by 20 inches: This is the most common size for a treadmill running deck. It provides ample space for most users to comfortably run or walk, and it is suitable for people of different sizes. Treadmills with this size of the running deck offer plenty of room for you to move and adjust your stride during your workout.

2, 62 inches by 22 inches: This is a larger running deck size that provides even more space for running. This size is ideal for taller people or those who want extra space to move around. Treadmills with this size of the running deck offer increased stability and support, and are perfect for those who want to engage in intense workouts.

3, 70 inches by 36-40 inches: This is the largest running deck size available and is often found in commercial-grade treadmills. Treadmills with this size of the running deck offer plenty of room for people of all sizes to run comfortably. This size of the running deck is perfect for professional runners or athletes, and for people who need ample space to perform a variety of exercises.

Shock Absorption Cushion

It is important to note that the size of the running deck is not the only factor that determines the comfort of your workout. Other factors like cushioning and shock absorption also play a crucial role in providing a comfortable and safe workout experience. It is recommended that you test out different treadmills in person to find the one that suits your needs and provides the most comfortable running deck size for you.

Treadmill Running Belts

The belt on a treadmill is an essential component that allows the user to walk, jog, or run in place. There are two main types of belts used on treadmills: the standard belt and the Orthopaedic belt plus some various other types as outlined below

1, Standard Belt: A standard treadmill belt is made of multiple layers of material, including rubber, nylon, and PVC. It is durable and able to withstand regular use. The standard belt is commonly found on most treadmills, and it provides a stable and comfortable surface for walking, jogging, or running.

2, Orthopaedic Belt: An Orthopaedic belt is a premium quality treadmill belt that offers additional cushioning and support. It is made up of several layers of different materials, including rubber, foam, and PVC. The Orthopaedic belt is designed to reduce the impact on joints and provide a more comfortable running surface. It is ideal for people who suffer from joint pain, arthritis, or any other medical condition that affects their joints.

3, Silicone Coated Belt: In addition to the standard and Orthopaedic belts, there are also various other types of belts available on the market, including silicone-coated belts, diamond-weave belts, and high-friction belts. These belts are designed to offer specific benefits, such as increased traction or durability.


When selecting a treadmill, it is important to consider the type of belt that is best suited for your needs. A standard belt may be sufficient for most users, but if you have joint pain or other medical issues, an Orthopaedic belt may be a better option. Additionally, the type of belt can impact the price of the treadmill, so it is essential to find a balance between your budget and the quality of the belt.

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Community Feedback

What do you believe is the most important factor when it comes to buying a Treadmill? If possible, please let us know by leaving a comment in the comment box section provided below – so that others in the fitness community can learn also…

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  1. I was considering buying a manual treadmill but after reading this now I reckon I will definitely go for a motorised version instead. I never realised there was so many different types of treadmills out there in the market and I wonder what type of treadmill they will invent for the future or even 10 years from now. It’ll vary by individual based on their health and fitness needs. Some people may want to use it a couple times a week while others who wanna use the treadmill every single day. I’m definitely a fan of desk treadmills. It’s nice to have a desk treadmill where I can get to work and read at the same time I’m not the type of person who likes to sit in an office all day long. I believe we will see more virtual reality in treadmills use going forward,  It seems fairly new, but it looks like it’ll be more common going forward.

  2. There are some great tips here on how to buy a treadmill  to be fair and it certainly has helped me to get prepared. If possible it is always best to go and test the model out that you want to buy. It is normally cheaper to purchase one online, but there is nothing stopping you if you seek out the one you are looking for and try it out before ordering it online. Personally, I would definitely go for a motorized treadmill and one that can do inclines. I would also choose one with a computer, otherwise, boredom will set in quickly if you have nothing to challenge yourself with. Having internet and Bluetooth connectivity is also a huge bonus for me.

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